Welcome to wheyfus anonymous :3
A friendly group of really healthy 2d grils
Add liquidity to sudo and stake!
dual boosted sudoswap shared LP fixed term zero coupon bonds that yield call options or swap fees ("DBSSLFTZCB" for short)
Select some of your wheyfus to LP --You dont have any wheyfus (hmph!)
LP amount: 0 wheyfus + 0 ether
Call option bonds yield 5yr @ 0.1 eth american call options on wheyfus.
Fee bonds yield swap fees generated from the xyk shared sudo pool.

Here's how it werks
- You mint some wheyfu's
- Take equal parts wheyfus and eth and LP them into a shared sudoswap pool.
- Receive some LP tokens representing your share in the pool.
- a: Take those LP tokens and bond them for a fixed term.
- a: At bond maturity, claim back your LP tokens + call option tokens for MOARRR wheyfus.
- a: Convert those call option tokens into actual call options via putty.
- a: Exercise the call options.
- a: With your new wheyfus you can then go back to step 2.
- b: Take those LP tokens and bond them for a fixed term in xyk pool fee bonds.
- b: At bond maturity, claim back your LP tokens + fees generated from the shared xyk sudo pool.
- b: With ur new eth go back to step 2.
- The longer you bond, the higher your relative yield boost.
- Each option (american) expires in 5 years and has a strike of N wheyfus * 0.1 ether.
- 18000 wheyfus in the form of option contracts are distributed over 900 days.
- The yield from LP fee bonds is boosted by liquidity staked in call option bonds.
GOT IT? noice *starts twerking*Your call option bonds
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